Since the early Oekaki-board era of the internet, I’ve remained a steadfast connoisseur and participant in the world of digital illustration. Much of my work focuses on character driven storytelling and narrative themes. My goal is to create believable and appealing characters born out of storytelling. Whether it’s written by an individual or a collaborative tale, I want my pieces to evoke a distinct mood in a wide variety of styles and settings.
Included in the pieces below, you’ll find personal characters and stories, gallery pieces, commercial illustration and fan art. Each piece was created with great care to satisfy the needs of clients, where applicable, and push the boundaries of my existing body of work.
As an artist, I believe you never stop growing. I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember, and there is a continual desire to build upon what I have already learned in order to more effectively communicate my ideas and the ideas of others.